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Acunote Launches Management Analytics Solution For Its Online Project Management Software

New Data Analytics Solution Delivers Fastest, Most Accurate, and Scalable Project Management and Collaboration Software for Any Company.

We're proud to announce our Management Analytics solution as part of our new breed of business software, Management Intelligence. Acunote Management Analytics empowers executives and managers with real-time data insights that increase productivity, save time and costs, and improve collaboration among software development, I.T., marketing, and customer service teams in a wide range of industries.

Demand for High Quality Data

Many companies fail to capture and analyze quality data to help them uncover faster, easier, and more accurate ways to manage and predict how and when complex projects will be completed across one or more teams. The end results are inefficient (and often unhappy) teams, higher costs and, in many cases, competitive disadvantages.

Acunote solves this problem by automatically capturing and analyzing execution data in real-time to create burndown charts that predict and track the progress of individuals and entire teams for each project. Individual team members, project managers, and executives alike can quickly see which tasks need to be completed by whom and by what date, even if plans change during a project.

Acunote removes the guesswork out of tracking project progress and predicting when it will be finished. It captures and analyzes the right user data to help create more productive teams, better managers, and successful companies. Acunote empowers customers to make smart decisions based on data, not politics. We call such data insights "Management Intelligence", our new breed of business software.

Management Analytics

Acunote Management Analytics is a new solution that aggregates, segments and presents this execution data to drive key business decisions and to determine how, when, and where resources should be allocated most efficiently. Unlike other solutions, Acunote provides executives and project managers with a much faster, easier, more accurate, and scalable way to align resource use with overall company objectives, to predict how and when projects will be done, and to finish work on time and within budget.

The new Management Analytics is especially valuable for companies with 30 or more users. For companies with hundreds of users, it is the only way to quickly and accurately check the progress of multiple projects at the same time. Management Analytics is available as part of the Acunote Enterprise plan. For an overview of all Acunote plans and pricing, including the analytics options, visit our plans and prices.

Jamie Turner, Head of Engineering at Bump, the leading mobile app for sharing contacts and photos, had some nice things to say about Acunote and its Management Analytics:

Acunote helped us finish our product changes twice as fast than relying on ad hoc methods. Acunote is faster, easier to use, and better at managing multiple projects across different teams than any other project management software we tried. It's made us much more efficient and effective.

Why Acunote?

Acunote's data-driven approach to project management and collaboration sets it apart from other solutions. Through highly actionable analytics, Acunote delivers the following key benefits:

  1. Increase Productivity – Teams and individuals become more productive through a range of data captured in a single interface that’s super fast and easy to use.

  2. Improve Predictability – A more accurate, scalable way to predict how and when highly complex projects will be completed across software development, customer service, marketing, and any other company team.

  3. Sharpen Teamwork – Better team collaboration. Employees improve productivity. Managers improve management skills. Companies improve efficiency and save critical time.

To take advantage of our new breed of Management Intelligence software visit our plans and prices page and signup.