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Multiproject Tasks, Ability to Move Tasks Between Projects

We're happy to start this year with another major Acunote upgrade. We've added two features most commonly requested by Acunote users during the last year:

  • moving tasks between projects
  • multiproject tasks - tasks that exist simultaneously in sprints from multiple projects

Moving Tasks Between Projects

Did you ever create task in the wrong project by mistake and want to fix the mistake without having to recreate the task? Did you ever want to reorganize your projects and move tasks together with their data between projects? Now you can move tasks between projects to solve those problems.

Multiproject Tasks

Do you use Acunote to collaborate with your customers? Do you have one or more project per customer? Did you ever want to give your customers access to only high-level tasks they care about and keep all development details internal?

Now you can do that with multiproject tasks feature available for Enterprise Acunote. You create high-level tasks in customer's projects and copy them to internal project to be decomposed and completed there. This way your customer sees the task completion progress and you keep implementation details in internal projects.

On Which Plans These Features Are Available?

Pricing Plan Multiproject Tasks Copy Between Projects Move Between Projects
Enterprise Yes Yes Yes
Free, Business, Corporate No No Yes
with restrictions (1)

(1) On plans other than Enterprise, you can move task between projects only if the move doesn't create multiproject task, meaning task has to be completely moved to another project.

How Do I Enable Multiproject Tasks For My Organization?

You'll need to upgrade to the Enterprise plan to take advantage of multiproject tasks. Upgrade your plan as soon as possible to have more time to test drive multiproject tasks and many other Enterprise plan features until the end of the month without any additional charges.

Note for Legacy Plan Users

Moving tasks between projects and multiproject tasks features are not available on legacy plans (Free Legacy, Business Legacy or Corporate Legacy). Please upgrade to one of the new plans now to take advantage of this and all other upcoming features.