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Wiki Rich Editor

Acunote now provides rich editing mode for users who prefer to use GUI editors instead of writing plain-text wikis.

Click on the "RichEdit Mode" link at the top of the wiki editor to open Rich Editor:

Copy-n-paste From Office Applications

You can paste spreadsheets and text documents right into the Rich editor. The formatting will be preserved as much as possible. As a matter of fact, pasting from OpenOffice Calc or Excel into the editor is the easiest way to create a table in the wiki.

Here's the table created in OpenOffice Calc:

Here's the same table pasted from Calc into the Rich Editor:

Rich Editor Pros and Cons


  • convenient text and paragraph formatting: fonts, colors, alignment, etc.
  • easy table creation
    • working copy-n-paste from spreadsheet applications
    • toolbar buttons to create and edit tables right from the Rich Editor
  • wiki-wide search and replace


  • not every wiki formatting can be created from the Rich Editor, notable exceptions are wiki inclusions, internal links, signatures, preformatted text blocks, etc.
    • but most of that formatting is editable or at least is displayed in plain-text and preserved

If you're editing a complex manually created page, you can use Alt+= shortcut to view the difference between current and saved wiki text and make sure that Rich Editor didn't break any of your formatting.