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New Import/Export CSV Format

We're introducing improved CSV format for export/import with following changes:

  • all task fields including Tags, Priority, Severity, etc. can be exported and imported back
  • instead of three description columns ("Description", "2nd Level Task Description" and "3nd Level Task Description") there is now just one "Description" column
  • task nesting level is indicated in the new "Level" column (possible values right now are "1" for toplevel task, "2" and "3" for subtasks)
  • fields are recognized not by their position, but by their column name in the first header row
  • order of columns in the CSV is not important anymore (with an exception of "Version 1" column that should always come last)

New format requires:

  • first row to contain column names
  • "Description" and "Version 1" columns to be present

Example CSV in the new format:

Tasklist after import:

Important! The new format is backwards-incompatible. Acunote will no longer import CSV's in old format. Any previously exported CSV has to be updated to the new format manually.

To update old CSV's to the new format:

  • add first row with column names
  • rename "Estimated" column to "Estimate"
  • add "Level" column
  • move all contents from "2nd Level Task Description" to "Description" and set level to "2" for these rows
  • move all contents from "3rd Level Task Description" to "Description" and set level to "3" for these rows
  • add "Version 1" column as a last column