Acunote is online project management and Scrum software. Acunote is fast and easy to use. It shows actual progress, not just wishful thinking. Click here to learn more.
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Mobile game developer gets productive with Acunote

Steffen Itterheim, co-founder of a mobile gaming company, discovered and adopted Acunote to manage his Agile Development process. In Steffen's recent post on Tools For Higher Productivity, he describes how he discovered Acunote, and had some nice things to say about its features and UI.

"Getting your work organized certainly helps but with the right tools you can switch to the next gear. The first thing you’ll need if you’re working with a Team of 4+ people and no shared office is a task planning tool. For our purposes it needed to be an Agile tool, moreover it should fit well into the concepts of Scrum. And after we considered and even tried out a couple of web-based tools we just gave up. The tool we wanted didn’t seem to exist.

And that’s where Acunote fell in place. Out of nothing came a tool none of us has ever heard of and it fulfilled almost all of our expectations! It lets you organize your tasks in a Backlog and Sprints and tracks all changes with beautifully simple burndown charts. Overall it works fast and elegantly, allowing you to change important aspects of each task inline – it avoids the dreaded web-based app productivity that follows the principle of: click item, load new page, scroll/select, make change, save change, load previous page, re-orient yourself. Instead, you just click on the Task Description, Priority, Owner, Estimation and so on, make your change, leave the text field and your change is saved automatically."

Read the rest of Steffen's post for more details.