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Faster User Interface

We radically improved the performance of Acunote user interface in all major browsers, especially in Internet Explorer, trying to make your user experience as optimal as possible.

Task list has seen the most tangible improvements. Firefox now loads sprint pages 1.5x faster and Internet Explorer - 11x (!) faster. Task creation form and task field editors appear up to 4x faster depending on the browser. Drag-n-drop and cursor movements are smoother than ever.

Internet Explorer users will benefit the most from these optimizations as it now perfectly possible to work with large sprints and backlogs with several hundreds of tasks in them. Large backlogs used to take dozens of seconds to load and were impossible to work with after loading. After the optimization this is no longer the case.

Apart from optimizing the task list, we reduced the page loading time for all pages, increased the performance of dialogs and popup menus and fixed various visual bugs in Internet Explorer and Opera.

As a side note, if you're a web developer yourself, you might be interested in our blog posts on optimizing the backend and the frontend of Ruby on Rails applications. We will also be presenting about performance optimizations at RailsConf this year.