Acunote is online project management and Scrum software. Acunote is fast and easy to use. It shows actual progress, not just wishful thinking. Click here to learn more.
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Acunote and Browser Tabs

It was not a big surprise for us that almost 60% of Acunote users work with Acunote from Firefox but it was more surprising to see how much our users work with Acunote opened in several tabs simultaneously.

Those who have only one project probably never saw any issues, but if you have two projects and open them in two tabs you have a problem - that only one tab would work. Another tab wouldn't let you do anything and would just redirect to the project list after which the remaining tab would stop working as well.

Interestingly enough, nobody complained about that yet ;) Still we logged approx 150 errors for last two months from users having exactly this kind of multi-tab problem. We of course had to do something with that and did :) Starting from "now" we impose no restrictions on how many tabs you open and which projects are shown in those tabs. Enjoy!